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Defending the Faith as a Black Christian - Intro to Urban Apologetics
Who is Nefer Nitty? (16:50)
What is Urban Apologetics and Why is it Important? (13:48)
Ancient Christianity
Origins of Christianity & Historicity of Jesus (25:51)
Ancient African Christianity (18:56)
Early Church Persecution (38:56)
Early African Church Fathers (34:46)
How to Conduct Online Research
Basic Research Principles and Methods (44:18)
Testing a Website's Credibility
Search Engines and Search Terms
Google Books and Libraries
Primary vs Secondary Sources & Burden of Proof (22:18)
Christianity and the Maafa (or, the Bible and Slavery)
Ancient Slavery Around the World (48:01)
Bible Verses about Slavery (39:05)
Let the Slaves Tell It (Slave Narratives) (31:13)
Liberators/ Revolutionaries who were Christian (26:38)
Liberators/ Revolutionaries Who Were Christian, Pt. II (28:36)
Christianity and Kemet
Supposed Similarities between the Two
Auset & Mary
Heru & Jesus
Name Games & Word Play: False Etymology
Christianity and Traditional West African Religions
Are Orishas the Same as Angels: A Comparative Study of Christianity and Ifa
Biblical Archaeology
Major Events
Prophets & Notable Finds
Let the Slaves Tell It (Slave Narratives)
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